Monday 8 October 2012

Thanksgiving weekend

Happy Thanksgiving, friends!

On Saturday, my friend and coworker Kim invited me over for dinner. Kim and her husband David are Doodle's humans (who you may remember from here) and this would be a great opportunity for the pups to visit as well. I offered to bring pie, so the majority of the day was spend mixing, rolling, slicing, filling and fluting.

I decided to make two apple pies and a cherry pie, with two crusts left over (which will be used for chicken pot pie tonight).
Filled and ready for tops
I even got a bit creative and made a lattice top for the cherry pie.


I tinfoiled the edges so they wouldn't burn, and two hours later, the apple and cherry pies for dinner were ready to go. I left a third pie cooking in the oven, and Jordan was able to pull it out and eat it warm after his supper. (He had also been invited to supper, but declined, due to the massive amounts of overtime he's been working lately.)

While I was bustling about the kitchen, Jordan was out changing the oil in the car and staining fences. At one point, he came in and said "Well, I have some bad news" and proceeded to inform me that the car was spewing oil from the filter, and it was likely that the previous filter had been cross-threaded on, thus toasting any hope of getting the filter to seal properly. The car was already full of oil, but Jordan decided to take the filter back off and see if he could get a better look. He was able to scrape an old piece of filter seal off the engine, and ta-da! the oil filter now seals like a charm. So he came in to relay the good news, and grab a well-deserved beer.

Drinking Cariboo - a beer that is brewed right here in town.
At this, the first pie was ready to come out.

Mmmmm apple pie
After I got pie number two in the oven, I went out to keep him company while he stained fences.

Hard at work :)
When the timer went off, I headed back inside to grab the cherry pie, and put the second apple in the oven.

I debated putting in more filling - I was glad I didn't!
Shortly after, I headed in to town with Zim and the pies. This involved putting one pie in a small box, putting the box inside the cooler, and putting the second pie on top of the box. This would adequately Zim-proof the pies while I zipped in to a store to grab more oil for the car. It worked (yay!) and we were soon at Kim and David's, were Zim eagerly jumped out of the truck and trotted right up to the front door. He and Doodle played for hours while the three of us and Kim's friend Lena ate supper, then Lena left and we settled in to a game of Civilization (a large, complicated strategy board game).

Tug-of-war with a seal stuffie - Zim has a dirty trick for this game: he holds still until Doodle loses interest and lets go, then Zim runs off with the stuffie and Doodle chases him.
While we were eating, Kim let the pups out into the backyard to play. When Kim went to let them back in about 20 minutes later, she came back with Doodle and said "So, I'm not sure where Zim is… he's not in the yard." 'Oh,' I thought, 'this will be interesting, this neighbourhood is nothing like the farm and he's never been here before. At least he's a good listener, I'm confident that he'll come when I call.' We put our shoes on and I opened the front door to start the hunt, and there's Zim, waiting patiently to be let in. Ha! What a clever pooch :) The rest of the evening passed without incident, and Kim won the game. We made plans for a puppy swap, and Zim and I headed home.

Yesterday (Sunday) was a lazy day. I puttered around in my craft room for a few hours, and made some rings, turned a bead into a pendant for a necklace, and started some glass marbles to be made in to soldered pendants (or maybe fridge magnets).

Today will also be a lazy day. I plan to crochet a bit, then head outside and try to finish staining the pole shed.


  1. Just crocheted myself a bit this morning. Now I think I need to head out and work on the garden. It's saying "neglecter, neglecter" to me through the window. Dang.

    Your pies look lovely-I love pie. SO, so much. My mom had a cutter that fluted the edges of the crust, so the lattice came out with a pretty edge. I haven't found one yet for myself. Maybe one day, though. It made things so pretty!

  2. Oh I missed telling you Happy Thanksgiving I can see it was a fine one. I love cherry pie:)
    Your jewelry is so pretty you are very handy roofing, staining crocheting, baking and jewelry making. Is there anything you cannot do? Hug B

  3. A big thanks to you both!

    Jocelyn - I pulled the garden a tad early, methinks, but I'm glad it's done and I can get into worrying about winter full time! LOL :)

    Buttons - My lovely Dad is a mechanic, and every weekend he would be out in the backyard doing SOMETHING, whether it was working on someone's car, or building a lean-to for his growing steel collection, or re-shingling the house, or building a 'shed' for the hot tub, or.... He actually helped me weld a little Hamlet (out of welding rod, and with a ball bearing for a head, and a brake rotor out of my first car for the base) for my grade 12 English homework - I hear my teacher is still showing it to her classes! And my wonderful Mom usually had a project on the go, whether it was cross-stitch, knitting or crochet. My little brother would take things apart to see how they worked, and we'd build stuff out of Lego for hours (these building sessions were the only time we weren't fighting about something...). So I grew up doing a wide variety of activities with whatever we had laying around, and it's stuck with me - I'm not good at watching TV, and I like to be doing something with my hands. One thing I greatly dislike: cooking. I cannot tell you how many meals I've burned because I get bored of standing in front of the stove babysitting it and I just wander away... I'm getting better though! Tonight I'm making the Butternut Squash and Sausage Soup again :)

