Friday 14 December 2012

Snowfall Warning!

Yesterday, we had a surprise snowfall warning for 10-15 cm.  I say 'surprise' as I didn't know about it until I woke up yesterday morning and saw 3 inches of fresh snow on the car.  As we had already had a previous 3 inches on the road, I skipped breakfast and headed out to make a few quick passes with the plow.  This was not nearly enough to adequately clear the road, and I nearly got stuck leaving for work.  Jordan also almost got the truck stuck coming home, and he was in 4x4!  To top it off, I had accidentally brought the quad key with me to work, so Jordan couldn't plow.  As the snow continued to accumulate, I called a local gent who owns an excavating company and arranged to have him come out with his loader in the afternoon.  While yes, we could have cleared the drive with the quad, and yes, me pocketing the keys cost us at least $75 in loader costs, I'm kind of glad that we got the loader out, as the road is still just as wide as it was, and now I know not to make that mistake again!  I still had a bit of clearing to do when I got home, as the loader didn't go all the way to the shop (and I don't mind that he didn't - we now have 3 logs lost in the snow over there, and I would have felt terrible if he had hit one and damaged the loader in some way... we'll have to mark them this weekend), but it only took about two hours, including replacing one bolt and four nuts that hold the snowblade on the quad.  All in all, better than the likely 4 hours it would have taken to do the road and the shop.  On the bright side, now we get the pleasure of watching Zim leap through the snow and sink up to his shoulders - he's never had the chance to play in snow this deep, as we very rarely used the 'backyard' in our previous house since it was so small and riddled with trees and random divots, and it was easier for Zim to play in the driveway (where there was enough room to throw the ball without it going over a fence or getting lost in the bush).

So, what else have we been up to?

Two weeks ago we finally unearthed the bookcases and books from the longhouse, and brought them in.  Last weekend, I got the last of them filed properly, so we now have access to our books again! We have three shelves: the large 5-shelf bookcase is fiction; the medium three-shelfer is movies, games, and some non-fiction (biography, trivia, artsy stuff, etc.); and the final 2-shelf bookcase is the rest of the non-fiction (cookbooks, household and health, home improvements, homesteading, gardening, farm tales, and animals).

Of course, there's nothing going on at the moment for farming, but we're hoping to sit down over Christmas and figure out what we'll do next year, including where we'll put in a bigger garden.  Gee, that sounds familiar; didn't I say that a few weeks ago?  We've been busy running around in town, cleaning, trying to get the house a bit more organized, and generally enjoying our few weekends off together.

On the agenda for this weekend: make dog food, a Christmas party with coworkers, cleaning the workout room in the longhouse, and baking lots and lots of cookies :)

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